1.Download and unzip this .zip file to get the Baidu SkyDrive LINK called “秒传链接”
2.Log in the Baidu SkyDrive account on the web page One
3.Open new page Two on the same Browser and enter this URL:https://rapid.acg.uy/ (or this URL:https://xiaoluo.tokyobl.xyz/pan/)
4.Click “登录百度网盘后点我获取 bdstoken” to get the bdstoken which consists of 32-bit characters(no punctuation),and paste bdstoken into the position marked with “32位”
5.Paste the “秒传链接” into the under position and click the blue button named “解析并转存”
6.Refresh the page One,you can see the file in your account
any other questions plz reply
2022-03-30 21:34感谢反馈,三个方法都测试了下,这个文件转存与下载都是没有问题的,请使用chrome浏览器访问,如果阁下用的是down.tokyobl的转存方案,在转存时烦请勾选enable obfs;如果用的是tampermonkey+脚本的转存方案,烦请在置顶帖第二页更新脚本版本
2022-03-30 22:28如问题仍未解决,请带上截图邮箱联系:[email protected]
how to dowoad
2021-03-16 00:191.Download and unzip this .zip file to get the Baidu SkyDrive LINK called “秒传链接”
2021-03-16 13:192.Log in the Baidu SkyDrive account on the web page One
3.Open new page Two on the same Browser and enter this URL:https://rapid.acg.uy/ (or this URL:https://xiaoluo.tokyobl.xyz/pan/)
4.Click “登录百度网盘后点我获取 bdstoken” to get the bdstoken which consists of 32-bit characters(no punctuation),and paste bdstoken into the position marked with “32位”
5.Paste the “秒传链接” into the under position and click the blue button named “解析并转存”
6.Refresh the page One,you can see the file in your account
any other questions plz reply
2021-07-08 11:22挡住半边脸就是她的颜值巅峰了
2021-02-18 21:33怎么下载
2020-12-30 12:46保存的压缩包里是秒传链接,是百度网盘的另外一种表现形式,因为只有一个链接所以只有1K不到的大小。这种方法可以有效避免文件被和谐,使用教程请参考首页置顶帖的图文教程
2020-12-30 17:37或者请微信联系xiaoluooo_ 手把手教学
2020-12-02 20:31已补档完成,已可正常下载~感谢反馈哦
2020-12-03 17:59挂掉了。。
2020-11-12 06:42链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈
2020-11-12 17:10挂了
2020-11-11 14:54链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈
2020-11-12 17:10链接挂了
2020-11-11 10:10链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈
2020-11-12 17:10好喜欢她啊
2020-10-31 16:55的确很好看哟
2020-10-31 21:42不行啊,内鬼疯狂举报资源,被河蟹了。
2020-10-27 14:48没关系 我补档超勤快的
2020-10-27 15:22又和谐了
2020-10-27 01:36链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈
2020-10-27 15:23小落 能不能找一下熊猫TV兔子的资源啊?
2020-10-25 15:06看起来有些难度呢
2020-10-26 16:35被和谐了
2020-10-18 16:02链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈哦
2020-10-18 17:07掛了
2020-10-18 15:53链接已经补档啦,现在已经可以正常下载了哦,感谢反馈哦
2020-10-18 17:07